Sauna bathing and cold water immersion have many proven health benefits, however they may not be suitable for everyone.
You must not use the Sauna or Cold Plunge Tanks if you:
suffer from high or low blood pressure or any heart or circulatory disorder
suffer from epilepsy or diabetes
are pregnant
are prone to dizziness or fainting.
Bookings are only accepted at Seacoast Sauna on the understanding that all participants are fit and well enough to participate.
We are not medical professionals and cannot advise on any individuals suitability to participate in either sauna bathing or cold water immersion. However we advise all guests not to push themselves and take it easy. If in doubt, speak to your GP.
We do not currently accept any bookings for guests under the age of 16.
Cold water immersion benefits; it's been shown to give you a natural high by stimulating the release of hormones and endorphins. Cold water immersion increases your heart rate, the rapid drop in temperature causes your blood vessels to contract with a sudden release of adrenaline and endorphins activating your body and focusing your mind. Cold water immersion puts your body in a high state of alert but also stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system, your body’s rest and repair function. So although cold water immersion will leave you feeling energised it can also improve sleep as you will be left feeling calm and relaxed for hours afterwards especially when combined with the relaxation induced through sauna bathing.
Sauna bathing aids with relaxation, the heat stimulates the body to release endorphins which make you feel good. Taking a cold plunge can activate the body to release stress-reducing hormones. It’s also thought that cold water immersion can reduce levels of cortisol, the main stress hormone, in the blood. Both sauna & plunge can induce stress in the body, although this might sound counterintuitive, this controlled short exposure to stress can actually increase your tolerance to stress, physical stress, also mental and emotional stress too.
It’s been well documented that cold water swimming has improved symptoms of depression for lots of individuals, it’s been shown to reduce symptoms of both depression and anxiety. Cold water immersion benefits; it's been shown to stimulate the production and release of endorphins and dopamine which boosts feelings of wellbeing and helps improve mood. It’s also thought that cold water immersion can reduce levels of cortisol, the main stress hormone, in the blood. It has been commonly reported that people suffering with depression have higher levels of cortisol and increased inflammation.
Cold plunge is believed to help reduce inflammation, alleviate pain and reduce swelling by constricting blood vessels therefore reducing blood flow to the affected area. Cold water immersion also increases white blood cells in your blood which help with inflammation. With sauna & plunge you can combine these cold water immersion benefits with the heat from sauna bathing which additionally helps relax muscles and ease tension.
Cold water exposure can lead to an increase in your body’s white blood cell production, boosting your immune system. Cold water combined with the heat from the sauna can lead to better circulation. Sauna & Plunge; heat dilates your blood vessels, cold causes them to constrict, stimulating blood flow and an overall improvement to your circulation. White blood cells play a key role in your immune system and help reduce inflammation, inflammation is thought to have a direct link with immune health.
When you expose your body to cold water immersion it will kick start your metabolism as your muscles tighten and relax as you shiver. Cold water immersion benefits your body by activating your brown fat, brown fat generates heat by burning energy. It’s thought that the contrasting temperatures through sauna & plunge can affect how brown fat burns energy which in turn may help with weight loss.
Sauna & Plunge, heat helps cleanse skin through sweating, cold plunge will tighten pores leading to overall improvement in skin tone. Alternating hot and cold may give an overall healthy complexion. If you choose to take your cold plunge in the sea there can be added benefits due to the antiseptic properties of salt water that is also rich in minerals that are great for your skin.
Cold water immersion stimulates oestrogen and testosterone production which can help increase your libido. So maybe a cold shower isn’t the best way to curtail those urges….
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